Postoji jedno lepo verovanje o trajanju zime, odnosno o početku proleća. Tu se spominje i neki medved i biće valjda da od njega zavisi. Ako se medved uplaši svoje senke i vrati u pećinu onda ništa od toplih dana. Ako pak ne, to je jasan znak da je zimi kraj i da su lepi dani na pomolu!
E pa medved je izašao, i to ne jedan nego preko 40 njih, naspavanih, slatkih, kudravih, opasnih, mekanih, raskalašnih, čupavih, duhovitih… Svi na okupu da dočekaju početak dugo očekivanog nam proleća!
Na sam početak kalendarskog proleća, 21. marta u 20h biće otvorena druga po redu izložba pod nazivom Medvedi – U čast proleću. U okviru izložbe biće predstavljeno preko 40 umetnika iz zemlje i regiona. Pridružite nam se da zajedno, uz domaću medovaču i medenjake uz muzičku podršku Kišobrana obeležimo ovaj dan!
Vidimo se!
U čast proleću!
21. mart 2012. u 20h
KC Grad
Braće Krsmanović 4
Bears – In honor of spring!
There is a very nice belief about the duration of winter, or in other words, about the begining of spring. A bear is mentioned in it and apparently it all depends on him.
If the bear gets scared of his own shadow and runs back into his cave there will still be more cold weather. But if he doesn’t get scared, that is a clear sign that warm and sunny days are ahead.
Well, the bear is out! And not only one, but more than 40 of them, well rested, cute, hairy, soft, reckless and funny.
All gathered to welcome the beginning of spring that we’ve all been eagerly waiting for!
On the 21st of March, the calendar beginning of spring, at 8pm the show Bears – In honor of spring! will be opened for the second time!
Over 40 artist from Serbia and the region will be represented with their works on the show.
Join us to celebrate the beginning of spring together with homemade honey cider and cookies!
See you all!
In honor of spring!